Facebook is testing WhatsApp button inside Android App


Facebook Android App is spotted with a WhatsApp button in its menu option under the user’s name. Clicking on this WhatsApp button, it directly open up the WhatsApp. Means, whenever you want to use WhatsApp while using Facebook, you don’t need to close Facebook but click on the WhatsApp button. Tech news The next Web shared the image of facebook with WhatsApp button.

Facebook whatsapp


The button is spotted in the App with Danish language — tech website The Next Web reported yesterday. Previously Facebook integrated Instagram button in its main App. You can see this button clicking on sandwich menu button on right top corner.

Facebook is testing WhatsApp button inside Android App 1

If Instagram is not installed in your Android device, clicking buttons takes it to Google Play to install the App. Possibly, same feature will be given for WhatsApp button.

Back in 2015, the social media giant shortly experimented with adding a WhatsApp send button in the Facebook app, so users can quickly share their photos and posts with contacts. The feature ultimately never made it to the official app though.

As with any other test, there is no telling whether and when the WhatsApp shortcut will become available to all Facebook users.